build a calculator in vue js 3 [ Super Easy ]

    By: Thad Mertz
    2 years ago
    Category: VuejsViews: 133

    Let's Build a Calculator

    So for that we need to create a vue project. I am going to use macos.

    Make sure you have nodejs Installed in your system. Here you can download it

    we need to create a vuejs project. Can follow vuejs guide from here. We create a demo project using command

    vue create folderName
    // Incase if you do not have vue installed run this command
    sudo npm install --global @vue/cli@latest

    Once you have a basic project up you can create a component for your calculator, I have created component with the name of "Calculator". Here is the html code

    of component.

    Nothing complex i created a table and then added on click running different functions.

    Check my video guide for better understanding and code is available to download. Full video guide how to create calculator using vuejs.