laravel 8 crud step by step

    By: Thad Mertz
    2 years ago

    Hi Guys, Learn Laravel by creating a book management project.

    This Laravel 8 course that covers installation, authentication, routes, data, pagination, crud project and much more

    - Project code can be downloaded from here

    Topics Covered:

    00:00 Introduction

    00:15 Topics to cover Index

    03:00 Project Preview

    06:45 Enabling Virtual Host

    12:25 Creating Fresh Laravel Project

    16:40 Laravel file structure

    31:04 Creating database

    33:19 Creating First Model

    37:22 Dummy content using Factory

    01:11:15 Laravel component

    01:11:16 Slots

    01:17:48 Configuring Bootstrap

    01:21:45 Creating frontend layout file

    01:32:00 Relationship

    01:43:01 Accessor

    01:50:07 Start to work on Edit page

    02:03:05 Upload image

    02:19:12 Validation For Update

    02:33:21 Delete a book record

    02:37:45 Try catch for error handling

    02:45:46 Creating new Book

    02:54:35 Validation While adding new Book

    03:04:30 DRY- Dont repeate yourself (Uploading image using common function)

    03:18:44 Mutator in Laravel

    03:21:23 Naming Routes

    03:22:48 Middleware

    03:31:20 Route Model Binding

    03:35:50 Dynamic Routing

    03:40:36 Laravel Debugbar

    - Links mentioned in course:

    Laravel documentation

    Virtual host (Windows)

    Virtual host ( macOS article )

    Composer Windows:    

    Composer MacOs:      

    Laravel Faker:       

    Laravel Components:  

    Laravel Debug bar:   

    - Check these Laravel Videos

    Laravel Api Development Project

    Fetching data using schedule

    Laravel Relationships Explained

    Composer Command Not Found Solved

    Important Commands:

    npm install bootstrap@next @popperjs/core --save-dev

    npm install bootstrap @popperjs/core --save-dev

    #php #laravel8 #laravel7 #laravel #zarx #zarxbiz