Post Formats in WordPress Tutorial Updated 2021

    By: Thad Mertz
    3 years ago

    Today we are going to explore WordPress Post formats. So in WordPress if you want to show some custom content looking a bit different in style than usual posts then you can use post-formats, It will allow you to show highlighted content or image gallery or link to some website with styles, etc.

    There are a couple of post formats we can use in WordPress.

    1. Standard – This is the default post format (Selected by default)
    2. Aside – A note-like post we can style it with or without a title.
    3. Gallery – Gallery of images.
    4. Link – Link to another site (You can set the site link goes to)
    5. Image – An image or photograph we can add
    6. Quote – A quotation.
    7. Status – Twitter-like short status update
    8. Video – Post containing video
    9. Audio – Audio file.
    10. Chat – A chat transcript

    We are going to add a few of these post formats into our custom theme.

    So let's get started.

    To add post format in any theme we can go into the "functions.php" file and there we can add this code to enable post-formats.

    // add Features
    function addFeaturesInTheme(){
        // Add post formats support
    // enabling feature after theme setup

    Once you have this code saved you should see post formats in your add/edit post page.

    Now add images in your gallery after selecting "Gallery" as given in the image. and in theme, you need to create a "content-gallery.php" file.

    For more clarity check our Video Tutorial

    Notice here we are creating file "content-gallery", As we are dealing with gallery post so we added "gallery" in file name. But content came from "get_template_part" function. Have a look

                    while(have_posts()): the_post();

    So we are using loop content from the "content" file.

    If you are not aware of "get_template_part" then check here

    Mainly our gallery will be printed using the "get_post_format" WordPress function. as given in the code above.