create wordpress theme and show posts

    By: Thad Mertz
    3 years ago

    We can create WordPress theme by creating 2 files style.css and index.php.

    Create a WordPress theme from scratch

    Create a folder and put these 2 files in that folder. So for example i want to create a theme with the name "Sky", Then i will create a folder name "Sky" and the i will put these 2 files in that folder.

    Next Define theme Details

    In style.css add this code

    Theme Name: Sky
    Author: Manu
    Author URI:
    Version: 1.0

    Here we added a comment which tells wordpress about Theme name, Version and author details. You can customize it as you like.

    In Index.php you can put "posts". Make sure you have some posts created in WordPress dashboard and display them in index.php using below given code.

                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
                        <?php the_title();  ?>
                    <?php the_content();  ?>
        else :
            echo "No Posts Found";

    This code goes inside "PHP" tags. We are checking if there is posts then show posts title and content.

    Hope this helps