Add soft delete to existing databse table in Laravel [ Updated ]

    By: Manu
    3 years ago

    Let's add soft delete to existing database table

    To do this we need to open Model file in code editor, where you want to add soft delete.

    add this line in top of the model file.

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

    Now we make or model to use Soft delete.

    class Product extends Model {
        use SoftDeletes;
        protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];

    We need to create a migration file so we can add "delete_at" column in database table.

    so to do that, Navigate to the project folder using terminal and run command something like this

    php artisan make:migration add_soft_delete_to_products_table

    Now edit migration file

    Newly created migration file should be in directory "yourProject/database/migrations". Open this file using code editor.

    now add these 2 lines if already not there

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
    use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
    use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;


    in functions add code like this

    // up function should look like this
        public function up()
    		Schema::table('products', function(Blueprint $table)

    And down function

    public function down()
    		Schema::table('products', function(Blueprint $table)

    Run migration

    by running

    php artisan migrate

    It will add the deleted_at field in database table. and then you can delete using delete() function in query. If will be soft delete.

    //Now this will do a soft delete