How to build a web scraper with vuejs 3 Step by step

    By: Manu
    2 years ago
    Category: VuejsViews: 747

    What is web scraping

    Web scraping is data extraction. It is data scraping used for extracting data from websites. The web scraping software can directly access the web using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or a web browser. 

    Let's Build a web scraper

    Ok i am going to use vuejs 3 and few npm packages so let's do it .

    Step 1

    Ok Here are the thing we need to do to make a web scraper. First make sure you have node.js installed in your computer. If you do not have it install then download and install nodejs from here

    Step 2

    we need to create a vuejs project. Can follow vuejs guide from here. We create a demo project using command

    vue create folderName
    // Incase if you do not have vue installed run this command
    sudo npm install --global @vue/cli@latest

    So i create project using command

    vue create scraper
    // once project created we get into folder using
    cd scraper
    // Now we run server using
    npm run serve

    You should have app up

    Now if you go to "src/app.vue". You will see "Welcome message and vue image comming from this component". Here we can change the code to show our content that we will fetch using scraper.

    Step 3

    So here now i create a function which is going to get the data from website. this function will have logic for web scraping.

    Page Layout

      export default {
          return {
            lastestArticles: [], // defined empty array variable 

    Adding Function in methods

          let self = this;
          let url = ''; // url we get data from
          let dataArray = [];                         // we put data in this array
          // GET request for remote image in node.js
            method: 'get',
            url: url,
          .then(function (response) {
              let html =;
              let $ = cheerio.load(html);
              $("ul.tertiary li").each(function(){
                    const title = $(this).find('h3').attr('aria-label');
                    const image  = $(this).find('img').attr('src');
                    // putting data in array.
                      'title': title,
                      'image': image
              self.lastestArticles = dataArray;     // Here we assign value to vuejs variable

    Displaying fetched data

            <h1> Web Scraper</h1>
            <div class="wrapper">
                <div v-for="(article,index) in lastestArticles" :key="index">
                    <span v-text="article.title"></span>

    Output looks like this

    Here site data for

    For explanation check our video guide.