Types of Binary Operations With Example Updated 2021

    Let's talk about types of Binary Operations

    The First one is

    Commutative Operation:

    A binary operation is Commutative if, For every pair of element a,b ∊ M,


    a o b = b o a

    Addition and multiplications for natural numbers are commutative binary operations. But subtraction and division are not

    Because for a, b ∊ a,
    and a - b ≠ b - a
    and a ÷ b ≠ b ÷ a

    Here is a example

    3-2 ≠ 2-3
    3 ÷ 2 ≠ 2 ÷ 3

    Associative Operation:

    In associative operation is a calculation from which we get the same result regardless of the way the numbers are grouped. Addition and multiplication are both associative, while subtraction and division are not.

    Here is a example:

    A binary operation is associative if o on set M is like

    a o (b o c) = (a o b) o c

    for all

    a, b, c ∊ M

    Distributive Operation:

    Ok so Binary operations are distributive if

    // Consider * as multiplication and o as subtraction.
    a * ( b o c ) = ( a * b ) o ( a * c )
    ( b o c ) * a = ( b * a ) o ( c * a )


    a = 2, b = 6, c = 5
    a * ( b o c ) = a x (b - c ) = 2 x ( 6 - 5 ) = 2

    Identity Operation

    An identity operation is a operation when The element which, when combined with another element using an operation, leaves the element unchanged.

    Here an example:

    y + 0 = 0 + y = y

    Inverse Element

    An element a in a set with a binary operation, an inverse element for a is an element which gives the identity when composed with. a .


    b + (– b) = 0 = (– b) + b, 
    –b is the inverse of b for addition