important linux commands for beginners [ Updated 2021 ]

    By: Manu
    3 years ago
    man rm will give all details of rmcommand
    cancel command ctr+c
    1. pwd( print working directory)  example:"/user/manu"
     (list current diretory item)
    3. ~ home directory (ls ~) will list all files from hom directory
    4. ls -F (list folders with sashes)
    5. ls -l (list  files with permissions)
    drwxr-x r-x 2 manu manu 4096 Oct 9 24:34 Desktop
    d -> directory
    rwx-> read write execute
    user group r-x read and execute
    all users r-x read and execute
    6. ls -lh (list  files with permissions file size in kb/mb/tb)rest same as ls -l
    7. cd /home/manu/downloads passing absolute path (change directory)
    8. cd downloads (if file incurrent directory and you cd into it it is relative path)
    9. go to home directory by cd thats it from anywhere or (cd ~) 
    10. ls -a shows hidden filestoo 
    11. cd .. go to parent folder
    12. tab competion type /h and hit tab it will complete it to /home if home if incurrent directory and only folder starting with h.
    13. file fie.png will return detils about image png.
    14. ls donloads document will output download and document folder files
    15. ls * (list all directory files of current directory folder) download,document,desktop.
    16. ls D*  (list all directory files of current directory folder where directory name starts with D(capital D)) 
    17. ls *.txt (where files ends with txt)
    18. ls ?.txt (where ends with txt but has only one charector before . like (a.txt))
    19. ls ??.txt (where ends with txt but has only two charector before . like (a1.txt))
    20. ls file[1234567890].text (will getfiles like file1.txt so it can be 1 to 9 )
    21. ls file[0-9][0-9][A-Z][a-z].text
    create files
    22. touch /Desktop/Home/home.txt will reate txt file in home
    23. echo "hello" > hello.txt will create txt file with hello printed in file.
    24. mkdir ~/Downlods/box will create box folder in downloads folder.
    25. mkdir -p bla/home/blam will crete all three folder bla then home then blam.
    26. mkdir happy birthday will crete 2 folders happy an birthday.
    27. mkdir "happy birthday" will create folder with name happy birthday
    28. mkdir {jan.feb,mar,apr,may,jun,july,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec}_{2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022}
     will create folder such as 
     mkdir same as above {2017..22}
     can be {A..Z}
     can be {1..100}
      mkdir folder/{0..500} will create 500 folders
      then create fles in 500 folders
       touch haystack/folder{1..500}/file{1..100}
     29. touch {jan.feb,mar,apr,may,jun,july,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec}_{2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022}/file{1..100}
     will crete foldersnd 100 files in each folder
 {jan.feb,mar,apr,may,jun,july,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec}_{2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022} so list viewof all folders and files
    -r recursive
     31. rm file.txt document/file2.txt will delete both file
     32. rm -r delfolder/ "will delete folder"
     33. rm -r * delets all without asking
     34. rm -ri * delets all with asking before deleting eah file
     35. rmdir will delete empty folders only
     37. cp file1.txt file2.txt // will copy content of file 1 into file 2
     38. cp file1.txt file2.txt destination/   // will copy content of file 1 into file 2 and put in destination folder
     39. cp destination/* .   copy everything from destination folder to this folder
     40. cp destination/* ..   copy everything from destination folder to parent folder
     41. mv oldname.txt newname.txt ((will move file and change name))
     42. mv oldfolder/ newfolder  (( changes the name of folder without canging file inside it))
     43. mv destination/* .   move everything from destination folder to this folder
     44. nano diary.txt (will create diary file nd open it in editor).
     Locate files
     45. locate *.conf ( will list out all files with extention .conf)
     46. locate -i *.conf ( will list out all files with extention .conf) case insensitive
     47. locate -i --limit 10 *.conf ( will list out all files with extention .conf) case insensitive(returns 10 result)
     48. locate -S shows database details
     49. sudo updatedb (will update database and includes all new files in database). so if you create a file in system and update database file will be in database.
      include --existing to check if all files exists in return list
      Find COmmand
     50. find (will display list of files and folder from current folder and childfolders)
     51. find /etc (will display files and folder from etc folder and childfolder )
     52. find . -maxdepth 1 ( wil return list of folder and files current directory)
     53. find . -maxdepth 2 ( wil return list of folder and files current directory nd child folder)
     54. find . -type f (will return file list)
     55. find . -type d (will return folder list)
     56. find -name "5.txt" ( will file 5.text in current and child folders)
     57. find -iname "5.txt" ( will file 5.text in current and child folders case insenstive)
     58. find / -type f -size -100k (files from root where file size less than 100kb)
     59. find / -type f -size +100k (files from root where file size more than 100kb)
     60. sudo find / -type f -size +100k -size -5M (files from root where file size more than 100kb and less than 5 mb)
     add | wc -l to see file count at the end of find command
     61. sudo find / -type f -size +100k -size -5M -exec cp {} /output \;
     will copy all files to output folder -exec stands for execute.
     {} stands for files
     so we are saying copy {} to /output 
     exec command ends with \;
     if change -exec with -ok 
     it will ask before copying each file
     62. touch haystack/folder$(shuf -i 1-500 -n 1)/needle.txt (will create a file name needle inside random folder from 1 t 500)
     63. less filename (will give yu pge content page by page)
     64. | less in any command to see output page by page
     65. | head -n 2 add in any output command will return output from top 2 lines
     66. | tail -n 2 add in any output command will return output from bottom 2 lines
     67. sort word.txt (will return output sorted a to z) SORTS  A-Z ALSO 0-9
     68. sort -r word.txt (will return output sorted and reversed z to a ) 
     69. sort -n numbers.txt (sort by value) -nr for reverse
     70. sort -u numbers.txt (sort by value)  return unique nuumber after sorting -ur for reverse
     71. grep e hello.txt (Will return lines containing e in them from hello.txt)
     72. grep -c e hello.txt (Will return number of lines containing e in them from hello.txt)
     73. grep -i e hello.txt (Will return number of lines containing e in them from hello.txt) insensitive
     74. grep -v e hello.txt (Will return lines not containing e in them from hello.txt)
     75.grep e hello.txt names.txt (Will return lines containing e in them from hello.txt & name.txt)